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Saturday, May 3, 2008 Y

Due to a call I received at 6:33 today , I have been feeling very down . Havent updated in a very long time, dont intend to update in a very long time. Did I do something wrong? =/

Podkas ..

{{ 11:40 PM -
_l_ I fucked here :O

Sunday, January 20, 2008 Y

I think I'm in love again :D For Real.
I dreamt of her last night.
How do dreams come? Thinking about something too much? I doubt it. I was so occupied last night I didnt even have time to think of her =/

P.S I got it from my mama~~


Podkas .

{{ 11:56 AM -
_l_ I fucked here :O

Sunday, January 13, 2008 Y

Ok.. Schools getting better =) Well, Slightly.

Reasons for this pheonomenon :
*Im still seeing my friends (as they promised :D)
*Im listening to slightly happier songs
*CNY (Chinese New Year) Is Coming !! Which means , Angbaos flowing in!! Wooo!!

Ok, The AngBao Money, is not going to be

I've already started making a list of things which I want to spend the money on :D

Need to save some money for future use tho.
For example : going to the ferrywheel thing with certain people >.> (u know who u are) :D

What I want for newyear :D (If not i'll die ) :
*New Phone ;D [Cost : $300 - 500 ]
*Cosmetic Lenses (I know I'm so vain, but its cool o.O) [Cost : No Idea]
*New Year Clothes ( I have no idea what im going to buy) [Cost : Depends on how generous my parents are going to be ]
*A screaming orgasm on the beach with your mum. (No need for introduction) [Cost: Priceless]
*The company of my friends (lalala) [Cost : Donnid pay one =P ]

My Late Resolutions for Newyear :
*To study hard le (im serious this time. I dont wanna retain again.I must go to poly or JC to find some certain people de ) [Cost : Determination and perserverence]
*To remain a virgin (This will be even harder) [Cost : mother fucking hell lot of determination and perserverence]

Btw, I've been thinking lately, If I dont do what I want to do now, I may lose the excitement of doing it when I grow older. So , Im determined to own a dog next year. I swear I'll do it no matter what. My parents arent being exactly supportive at the moment. But whether or not they like it, thats what I'm going to do. Hmm, I wish I could keep a Siberian Husky. They really look hella cool (fits my personality right ? Cheh~~) Haha. If its too "BIG" then I guess I'll keep a Pomeranian. Its cute :D But I dont want those crossbreed doggies. I want a pedigree breed (cos they are cool) LOL. Well, I've been doing some doggy research these few days and found alot of stuff. Also , I found a cool husky's blog as I scrolled thru. Its hella cute.
Read it : http://indyscorner.blogspot.com/ hehehe. Dont click the link just yet!


{{ 8:59 PM -
_l_ I fucked here :O

Saturday, January 5, 2008 Y

Fuck 2008 , Bring Back 2007 Please...

Okay people,
please dont ask me about my new class. Those that received my SMS received it. It was 100% Pure .

Current Mood : Very T_T (Probably the effect of too many sad songs {Cant help it, sad songs are nice} so if anyone wants to sad with me, just tell me ok ? D: I've got nice songs to reccommend)

So anyways, I found out im not a crying type. That sucks. It feels worse having everything kept in you and not being able to let it out.Instead, the pain echos from inside you and the feeling is really 10 times worse than crying . _l_ that feeling

I need a getaway...I realise when Im alone, I feel sad. I doubt many of you have seen me sad in school right? Thats cause its where I have my friends. So, it would be great if anyone could go out with me , conference with me T_T hais. =/ I laugh at people who have emo posts, but here I am , posting like a pathetic retard.

Im missing lots of people:
Veron Mei T_T
Louis Kor T_T
Yujing DiDi T_T
Cherlyn Sweedee Paii T_T (I sit beside u so long, take it for granted, now that we don sit together, school is hell T_T) T_T
I cant think properly now . Sorry if I havent mentioned some of ur names, I type who I remember. OO YA ! Zazz and Letong *thinks of any others* :D *edited


{{ 11:11 PM -
_l_ I fucked here :O

Friday, December 28, 2007 Y

Harlow Fucktards ^^

Today, went Damai buy books with dad ><><" so then veron tok to my father very very long T_T then after that call me study... den bused down to verons house. LOL funny happening..When we were all (louis baoshi zazz letong veron and me [wish yujing was here] ) in the room,

Verons Father (shouting) : Open the door!!!

Veron (opening door) : Hah Hah?

Verons Father : Boy and Girl In A Room Dont Close Door!

Verons : Aiyo you what kind of thinking *giggle*

Verons Father : I dont care what kind of thinking. Leave the door open.

ITS LIKE..LMFAOOOO LOLOLOL! Like those "Gu Dai" drama I see on TV all the time u know? The guy wan marry the ger then cannot go in room. In this case, louis marry all the girls ^^ Im totally innocent ^^ Thank uue ^^ Hmms... den after that, went KFC eat ( not that we had much of a choice) . Finally at KFC, I talked to Louis.. He dao me whole day before that lor! Then veron zazz and letong bought buddy meal I think, I bought buddy meal with Louis( COS HE MY BUDDY WHAT! CANNOT ISIT ! AI SIO PA SIBO? KANINA BUAY SONG WUJI KAKA LAI LA) ok.. extremely overeacting. ^^ Anyways halfway I sneaked out with Louis (Ok we didnt sneak >.> it was more of walking out openly... [ like rambo. take big big machine gun run out TAK TAK TAK TAK TAK TAK TAK everybody si] ) to buy for veron a maple prepaid card ( HER FIRST PREPAID CARD and sun bian buy a card for louis too (as xmas prezzie) . Then we started talking in a funyzxzczxc languagezxzxzczxc becausezxczxczxczxc louiszxczxczxczxc wasczxczxczxc azxczxc fuckingzxczxczxcz retardzxczxczxcz . ^^

If u read that, ur seriously a fucktard. ^^ ehh then what ah... go play swing, then louis go buy jolly shandy o.o so i challenge him 1 can see who drink faster... and I won (obviously la.. limbeh kan pro one ok? ) den... erms o.o LOL what ah... oh ya! we go the long kang , saw this aligator sized lizard and it ate veron up. :DDD After 3 minutes of failed attempts to digest veron, the lizard decided she was too scrawny and smelly to be eaten.. so it spat her back out :D Den verons dad came out to the longkang to say their family was going out, and wanted veron to go take the keys. Anyway as soon as they left we went back her house T_T LOLOL.. I had sex with BomBom (verons cat) , Zazz play alot of lovesong and ... and and and... zazz had to go home !! OH YA! SHE HAD TO GO HOME!!! so we walked to bus stop, zazz go home, louis letong and me bused on 21 *Thanks Zazz for the 55cents u lent me to take bus. Paisei I very sua ku . 55cent also don hav... hmms...so the bus was kinda full,the 2nd deck louis sit infront, i sit behind with a bangalah.. den louis and letong alighted.. and sometime (not sure when), then bangalah disappear.. aiyo.. bangalah all sibae eh mysterious de.. wan to appear appear, dowan appear den don appear . $^!$!($)&^@#$. BUT , IT WAS A BLESSING ^^ Cos this really really really really really really really really really really really really really really

(1 year later ...

really really really really

2 years later ...

really really really really

3years later ...

ya u get the point. typing is tiring. so fuck u.)

Hot girl came and sat beside me.. HOT AS IN UBER SHORT HOT PANTS HOT..ehh.. is lucky lor.. so I was like ZOMFGBBQSAUCEMOTHERMARYJESUS OMGGGGGGGGGG~~~ WO DE TIAN AHH~~~ and the whole bus ride I was staring at the reflection in the window. heheh.. Many of u will be thinking by now "walan eh this brandon. Sibae biantai , but the truth is, Im not being a perv here, Im just being me (oh thats what they all say >.> Pfft) But its true u know, No pervert, where got brandon. so anyway fuck u. hmm...den reached pasir ris , went provision shop buy noodles and OH YA!!! I BOUGHT M&MS :D I shall go eat later on =P almost forget..hehe. Went home, watched "Huang Jin Lu" , played getamped with Louis, Now im blogging and its like 3:37. Dam late lers.. shall i Podkas? NO! NOT YET! FUCK U! I BET U IF I GO UR GONNA BE BORED LOR! COS THAT MEANS U HAVE TO CLICK THE "X" BUTTON UP THERE ^>

HEHEH ! aiyo... current mood : Fugable

Glossary * Fugable is the best possible term used to describe the girl in the bus .. OMG HAWTT HAWTT ><" *control* ok la.. ;D

PODKAS x33s~!

{{ 3:05 AM -
_l_ I fucked here :O

Friday, December 7, 2007 Y

Decent Girl Next Door Turned Vulgarity Spitting Menace!!! Lols! An awesome discovery made by self-acclaimed Journalist, Reporter and Gigalo Brandon. He reports : Seemingly Nice Girl Veronica Seow Qing Xin has been abusing little innocent boys in recent times. Thus, The Evidence :

So wheres has the lovable cute and sweet Veronica gone ?!?!? *Looks around* *Evil Smirk* Truth is , I kidnapped her and shes wrapped up in a present, Prepared to be sent to someones house on Christmas Eve. Hahaha.


Podkas my dear people! 18 days to Christmas and counting down babes ^^ *dances in a huge ballroom with hebe* lalala x33


I decided to keep the present for myself but Veron says she will escape from the box and run away to *SOMEONES* house T_T mei you kao lu wo de gan shou~~ WAAAAAA...bad bad girl!!

P.S I changed my tagboard because the previous one got screwed somehow after I posted this post T^T

{{ 11:31 PM -
_l_ I fucked here :O

Thursday, December 6, 2007 Y

Hehehe . Random post ^^

MY XMAS TREE! THE LIGHTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GOLD! but it got spoilt so we changed it to red...urghh..nvm ^^ looks fine to me ^^ hurhur

The tree at night

It would look something like that if it snowed >< Actually, I merely inverted the colours. kwakwakwa >< !!

Podkas ._.

{{ 9:59 PM -
_l_ I fucked here :O


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Taggie ^^.Y
Click Here To Taqq ^^
That Boii ^^ .Y

Very Sexy^^


Pie <3
My fwens <3 aww
More Pie <3



and you?;x

Time Machines.Y

October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
May 2008

Sweet Escapes.Y

Pei Er
Veron Mei^^